News ID : 4237
Publish Date : 16 December 2020 - 09:04
While statistics on the growth of automobile production show that the activists of the parts industry, while explaining the three drivers of increasing the production of parts manufacturers, complain about the lack of liquidity and believe that all promises made to this industry have not been implemented but only owed by parts manufacturers.
Khodrocar - Activists in this field emphasize that the existing power and liquidity provided by the parts manufacturers in various forms will end soon, while the question arises in this situation, how has the increase in production circulation been achieved?

"This growth is due to several reasons, one of which was the promise of financing given to the parts manufacturers, so that it was decided that they would start financing with the aim of increasing production, and the automaker would already supply this increase in production.” Maziyar Beigloo, secretary of part makers association told khodrocar reporter. 

"The revision of quarterly contracts was another reason for the growth in production, as the financial statements of parts manufacturers were positive in the first quarter of the year, so they were able to receive facilities from the bank. Also, since August, the mechanism of foreign exchange and customs allocation has become smoother due to the negotiations between the Central Bank and the Ministry of Industry, as well as the automakers. These three factors, along with the atmosphere of hope caused by the increase in production, have succeeded in increasing production.” He said. 

"To date, parts manufacturers have only seen the promise of promises and did not receive any facilities, while the second and third quarter contracts have not been amended yet, and the bank facilities that were to be paid to the automaker to pay the parts manufacturer's claims were allocated. Not found and parts manufacturers from this increase in production only owed themselves more to the country's financial system.” He mentioned. 

"In a joint meeting Monday night with the CEOs of the automaker and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDRO, it was emphasized to provide financial resources from the place of the step. This package has not been finalized yet, while the reform of car pricing and pricing of 45% of cars by the board of directors of car manufacturers and 55% of car manufacturers' products by the Competition Council has not been seriously discussed yet and the Competition Council is still considering.” He said. 

"The parts industry has only seen promise since the beginning of this year, and no action has yet been taken in this regard. The step is a method of financing that the banks are doing and no one has received any facilities from this place yet, and the auto and parts industry is the first sector to which this package is applied.” He continued. 

"If the liquidity does not reach the parts maker, it will inadvertently see the production circulation up to the next month, because it is not able to supply the raw materials, while the parts manufacturer has proved its brotherhood and will undoubtedly see the end of the financed funds at some point.” He said. 

"Currently, the piece industry has 120 and 150 days receivables, which is an average of 150 days, the amount of which has reached 31,000 billion tomans, including the amendment of contracts, but the problem is that 12-day payment of receivables will not be responsive because all initial purchases are made in cash. While in the past it was possible to open a 4-month LC for purchase, but this payment has now become cash, which, along with the increase in production and the current way of paying claims, has put additional pressure on parts manufacturers.” He said. 
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