News ID : 4068
Publish Date : 07 July 2020 - 09:11
The continuing currency problems of parts manufacturers, which have become a serious challenge for the industry, have entered a new phase these days with obstacles in the way of foreign exchange earned from exports, and this has made it necessary to amend parts manufacturers' contracts more than before.

Khodrocar - Since the last months of last year, the parts industry has been one of the industries that has suffered losses due to the lack of currency allocation, and these days, this shortage has led to the production of defective cars and their depots in car manufacturers' parking lots. Expectations of foreign exchange from exports for the parts industry, while due to the lack of currency sales in exchange offices, the purchase of parts manufacturers without invoices and any documentation, and this has led to tax problems for activists in this field. These conditions, along with the failure to amend the contracts of the parts manufacturers, have created unfavorable conditions for them to continue their activities.

"Since the allocation of Nimayi currency to the stopped parts industry is the currency allocated to this foreign exchange industry, and in this method, the parts manufacturer must be the original exporter who is willing to provide the currency at her disposal to the parts manufacturer.” Mehdi Shakor Zadeh, manager of part makers association of Khorasan told khodrocar reporter.

"Since exporters do not provide their currency for sale to exchange offices, the parts manufacturer is able to buy free currency with an invoice, so the free currency is bought from exchange offices without any documents and its amount is due to the control of transactions to Different accounts are deposited, so the parts maker does not have the documents to buy free currency, and while there are documents related to Swift and the account to which the money has been deposited, the Ministry of Economy and Finance does not accept these documents and The automaker also doesn't base it on pricing, so the parts maker faces the challenge of pricing.” He said.

"At present, with repeated requests from parts manufacturers to amend contracts, Sazeh Gostar and Sapco have taken the necessary steps to change the price of parts that are valuable because the exchange rate of parts manufacturers is currently at $ 11,000.” He told.

"Currently, some parts need to import raw materials, so they will have foreign exchange consumption. At the same time, part of the raw materials for parts can be supplied through domestic materials, which have increased significantly compared to last year, so that the increase is two to three times. Prices and in some materials have experienced more, and with these conditions, a 50 to 60 percent increase in prices should be considered in the contract of the parts manufacturers, otherwise the cost price of the parts manufacturer will suffer losses.” He continued.

"At present, some parts manufacturers, especially those working in the field of work press, provide the required sheet from the automaker, which in this situation is due to the factors of price increase, including salaries, wages and natural maintenance. Prices are also rising, but at the same time, some companies are producing parts based on domestic raw materials, which also increased in price, so that polyamides, which were 17,000 tomans last year, are now It has reached more than 60 thousand tomans and has more than tripled. In the fall of last year, steel has risen from 8 thousand tomans to 12 thousand tomans, and in this situation, we should expect a 50 to 60 percent increase in the cost of the product.” He said.

"Automakers put the base price of the currency at 15,000 tomans in April, about 17,000 tomans in May and 18,000 tomans in June, although the purchase of foreign currency has been much higher.” He mentioned.

"The contracts of the parts manufacturers in 1397 were not amended due to the decrease in the production volume of automakers, and finally last year the exchange rate of 11,000 Tomans became the basis of pricing. Despite the doubling of the exchange rate, these contracts have not been amended yet, while in three In the last month of 1398, the price of foreign exchange along with the price of raw materials changed significantly, and parts manufacturers hoped to revise prices to avoid losses, but the automakers did not make a decision.” He said.

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