News ID : 3825
Publish Date : 21 November 2019 - 09:44
According to the gasoline price correction it was and exception for tolerance of prices in auto market but after a few days it seems that this hasn’t had an effect on the car prices.
Khodrocar – Market activists thought that after quotas demands for low consumption cars will be increase and this will affect the prices however, reviewing the procedure of producing inner cars shows that share of low consumption cars are more than others.

But some reports said about the price increment of hybrid cars. Meanwhile, Nemat allah Kashani Nasab, inspector of car show owners believes that gasoline price increment won’t have effect on the auto market because right now most of local and foreign cars of the market are low consumption.

"Due to the allocations for these quotas ، it is unlikely that cars will have to change the price ، and now ، after a few days ، petrol prices have not yet changed significantly in the prices of cars.” He added.

"The car market is still in recession ، although some cars face price hikes ، but the reason for this increase is not attributed to rationing or increasing fuel prices, but the main reason for this increase is in supply cuts from the automotive plants.” He said.

"At the same time ، we see an increase in demand ، which is necessary to fit supply and demand ، as we automatically see an increase in demand in case of supply reduction ، which is currently in the market of locally produced cars.” He told khodrocar.

The statement comes as auto market activists believe that the possibility of a reduction in the prices of cars in the car coincided with the correction of the price of petrol ، while the demand for low consumption cars increases. However ، this is expected to witness an increase in demand for dual - fuelled vehicles as well as car makers ' lack of high demand and auto makers ' access to the raw materials needed by car manufacturers to make arrangements in this regard .

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