News ID : 3650
Publish Date : 01 June 2019 - 09:44
While the auto industry was struggling with different limits in the past recent months due to the sanctions and in this situation the industry needs an intelligent manager.
Khodrocar -  Certainly, the crisis in any industry can only be undermined by the fact that it has a manager familiar with all the characteristics of that industry, so that it can remain competitive in the market by providing solutions while maintaining its own salvation. This, in addition to having specific features along with the characteristics of a manager, can set up a business-like car that is more likely to face management problems these days.

"The car industry has different features that come together, in the automotive industry, a set of different features such as technology, safety, quality, competitiveness and price are raised.” Amroallah Amini, Professor of the Faculty of Economics told khodrocar reporter.

"Due to such features, top managers of this industry should have modern management features, while also capable of being technical, specialized, and technical, and in excellent disciplines and economics, are skilled managers and can continuously analyze costs and reduce them.” He added. "The director of this industry must keep production in a precisely defined economic boundary and consider the size and size of the economy.”

"What's happening today in the world's leading automotive industry is the presence of highly skilled, experienced drivers, timers and timers that are constantly tracking other cars and trying to create brands and new markets that show the trend. The Iranian automotive industry also needs such managers. Managers who see and analyze the future, while at the same time knowing the correctness of their competitors, are aware of issues in terms of technology as well as financial issues.” He said.

"The automotive industry requires a bachelor's body other than the manager, which should include well-qualified engineers and technical experts.” He added.

The remarks suggest the car industry today needs creative leaders to rely on specific strategies to circumvent sanctions by upgrading it.

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